WATCH: Japanese Tourist Goes Back to the Philippines to Thank Three Davao Policewomen! | TESTING ZONE

Sunday, June 30, 2019


WATCH: Japanese Tourist Goes Back to the Philippines to Thank Three Davao Policewomen!

WATCH: Japanese Tourist Goes Back to the Philippines to Thank Three Davao Policewomen!

Filipinos are known to be hospitable, caring and helpful to other people regardless if it is a fellow Filipino or someone of another nationality. Now, three of our policewomen in Davao are being recognized for their genuine heart.

On a report conducted by UNTV, a Japanese national who went to the Philippines two years ago went back to extend her gratitude to three Davao policewomen.

Koniko Sugiyama was looking for a place to eat when the three policemen, who were about to eat lunch as well, approached and guided the lady to help her as she was not familiar with the area.

According to PO3 Irene Cenabre, they also had small talks while riding a cab going to their destination. Sugiyama also gave them a contact number so the three policewomen can still get in touch with her. Later on, the policewomen ignored the contact number as what happened was only an ordinary experience.

However, unexpectedly in April 2017, the 74-year old Japanese went back to Davao and searched for the three policewomen to personally thank them. The policewomen were surprised that Sugiyama made an effort to go in the Philippines only to find them. Sugiyama went to Davao City Police Office(DCPO) to look for the policewomen immediately.

It was on April 10, 2017 when Sugiyama finally reunited with the policewomen and they even spent a meal together. The policemen were happy to have helped the Japanese but for them, they only did their job as public servants.


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